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MSDF supports Qatari Nursing Association in “Healthy and Safe Workers” initiative

MSDF supports Qatari Nursing Association in “Healthy and Safe Workers” initiative

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development and Family (MSDF), represented by the Department of Private Associations and Institutions, Qatari Nursing Association has implemented several activities to educate workers about the importance of health and safety.
The activities were held within the “Health and Safety Workers” initiative in coordination with the Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Safety and Health Department, Hamad Medical Corporation’s Pharmacy Department, Hamad General Hospital, the Diabetes and Health Education Department, the Community Partnership Department and Primary Health Care Corporation’s Preventive Oral Health Services Department.
Qatari Nursing Association developed an action plan to achieve the goals of the initiative, which was implemented in two stages. Initially, a work team was formed consisting of a director, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the association, including nurses, educators, volunteers, and occupational safety and health inspectors.
The first phase of the initiative was launched in February 2024, where the Association educated workers of the Labour City in Mesaimeer, while the second phase targeted women workers in their residential complexes in different areas in May, 2024.
On the occasion of Labour Day, which falls on May 1, and International Nurses Day, which falls on May 12, the Chairman of the Association’s Board of Directors, Dr. Wasmiya Dalham Al Kuwari, honoured the workers, who attended the educational lectures carried out by the Association in February, 2024.
The Oral Health Promotion and Prevention Department (OHPP) at the Preventive Health Directorate of the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), headed by Dr. Najat Al-Yafei, participated in the labour initiative by providing health education and early dental examination for workers.
The Health Education Department, led by Dr. Manal Muslim, and in cooperation with the Community Partnership Department at Hamad Medical Corporation, presented various educational lectures by experts about diabetes and its complications, how to deal with low and high blood sugar, and provided awareness brochures and gave presentations.
Director of the Pharmacy Department at Hamad General Hospital Dr. Mona Al Baker, in the presence of the Doctor of Pharmacy, participated in presenting lectures on the side effects of medications, and a female health educator also gave a lecture on examinations for healthy women.
The Association’s members organised various lectures on labour security and safety, how to prevent kidney disease, vitamin D deficiency, fractures and how to deal with them, the harms of smoking, especially mouth cancer, proper healthy nutrition, and covered many other important health topics.
Within the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, represented by the Occupational Safety and Health Department, Director of the Department Zayed Suhail Al Mazrouei with the participation of inspectors, carried out field visits to the accommodations of 200 male workers and 225 female workers and gave health tips.
Qatari Nursing Association won third place in Quality Initiatives Competition under the name (Health and Safety Workers) organised by the Ministry of Social Development and Family in 2022.
To recall the labour category was one of the priority population groups in the National Health Strategy 2018-2022.

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